It's not only women who have to deal with all the day-to-day worries, shaming, judgments and more. Even men have such worries, the only difference is, they never speak or show. They keep those worries inside of them and face them with dignity like every storm gets calm with its own pace.
As women, we generally say, what worries can men have? They have such a sorted life but no ladies, they too go with bad days and worries. Today I have come with some of the worries, which men go through.
"If I will go out and come late at night then society will judge me as a drug addict".
Men have no perfect life, they just don't believe in sharing their worries with people and for that, we must "salute them" because it is not easy to keep all of that inside of them and act as if nothing has happened.
More power to all the handsome guys over there!!
TAGS: men worries, guys worries about, things men worries