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'Women With Stretch Marks' - Be Proud & Stop Hiding.

Date: 2020-05-20 18:45:28

By Manveen

'Women With Stretch Marks Are Beautiful'.

But does the society really thinks so?

Women have been trained to think that their bodies are not enough. It is the saddest thing anybody could do to them. The society has done worse but this is just saddening, just to be clear. In truth, nobody gets a say in how women's bodies are. At least not till a certain age. If you are a fat kid, you are a fat kid. As an adult, you can retort to dieting and gym but nobody wants you to be fit. They want you to be skinny.

women stretch marks

If somebody is fat, they think once they will lose weight, they will learn to love themselves. But nothing can make you love yourself till the time you learn the fact that you will always be imperfect. You might not measure up to everybody's standards and expectations. Your image will disappoint many. If you can come to terms with all that, it is only then you will learn to love yourself.

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Do you think losing weight was going to do some wonders? What about the stretch marks that will follow? What about the fatigue? When you would not be able to love yourself despite all that hard work, all that blood, sweat, and tears, will you be okay? What will you look up to?

women stretch marks

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Nothing about your body is wrong. Neither the weight nor the stretch marks. We will not make anything sound extra cheesy, extra flowery by saying that marks are beautiful and you should make some art out of it. Many women have struggled with it and we will not make a mockery out of it by calling them beautiful. If it made you uncomfortable, if it made you under-confident, if it made you hate yourself, if it made you doubt yourself, it cannot be a positive thing. Perhaps it is not the best thing to happen to you. However, if your approach towards it is positive you can overcome it.

women stretch marks

We are not saying it is easy, we know how women feel about themselves and their bodies. All of us need and deserve the time and individual pace to grow at our own rates. But we have to heal, mentally first and physically later. Frankly, if you are healed mentally you will realize that healing physically is not that difficult at all. Once you realize that the society has brainwashed women for generation and we are just acting out on that by-product, that if one set of people think dark is ugly, the other find it beautiful. We will understand that beauty is subjective. It is no good or bad. There is no right or wrong. If some people could convince white was better than another group also holds the same potential to change that. All of us do. We can change it, let us start now. Let us learn to overcome all the stereotypes and not find faults.


Your body is your body. It exists and functions in a healthy way, let us leave it at that.


TAGS: women with stretch marks
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