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These 14 Signs You Will Relate To If You Or Your Friend Is The Padhaaku Of Your Class

Date: 2018-03-11 17:59:53

By Raunak

We may have taken you for granted, but we wouldn't have passed our exams if not because of you. So, a BIG thank you from us, losers. If you have been the only padhaku kid in your class, where everyone else is a backbencher, you will relate to all these 14 points more than anyone else.

1. You don't have any friends in class.

2. You have a judgmental relationship with your classmates. They judge you for being a nerd, you judge them for being way too casual.

3. You're the center of attention when exams approach with the entire syllabus being taught on the phone. "Bhai, please yaar ye chapter samjha de".

4. You are teachers' favorite. They all look up to you as the star child of the class with the brightest future. "Beta, one day you will make us all very proud."

5. For which others call you a teacher's pet. Jealousy, much?

6. Your classmates ask you to take permission from the teachers for anything. Free lecture or no homework, teachers can never refuse you.

7. Your notes are circulated in the class for everyone else to copy.

8. There is no competition.

9. You have no one to have intellectual discussions with because all your classmates are absorbed in the shallow worldly pleasures you have outgrown. So saintly you are :-)

10. If you have a problem, that becomes a MAJOR problem because there's nobody to solve it.

11. But...you never have a problem.

12. You are always up to date with what's happening in the class, homework and all the class work. You're such a blessing to your classmates.

13. When there's free period, everyone else rushes to the playground while you rush to the library.

14. Without you, the class would've been incomplete.

Our geek, nerd and padhakus, school life would have been boring with you being there as our mocking doll and at the same time our helping hand. You are undoubtedly our angel in disguise. We love you for who you are.

TAGS: padhaku, studious, school, class, friends, teachers

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