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Meet Kunal Kamra's Most Controversial Friend.

Date: 2020-09-19 15:34:02

By Manveen

(Note: A lot of hints are given in the article' let's see how well you take up all bits and pieces of hints and solve the closed book.)

Most of us recognize this person because we follow Kunal Kamra. He should thank Kunal for bringing him so much fame and attention time to time.

He started as a preferred journalist, but eventually he started contradicting his own statements and many turned away from him. Regardless, this man would appear every day at 9 and start scream, you can love him, hate him, but it is difficult to ignore him when he is screaming. He draws attention. No matter what he preaches, but the fact that he is able to get attention to his points and himself, does speak of some tenacity.

kunal kamra

Most Indian journalists go after big politicians. Politics is our tea, woke or not, Indians, especially after an age love nothing more than their Congress vs. BJP and many journalists have provided content for that, and he is one of them. He might be saying different things now, but he has drawn attention to himself by speaking about many big names.

Most would say that journalism should thrive independently of corporate interest, but in India, that happens rarely. Not that it has ever happened, but it happens very rarely. Journalism should be unbiased.

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Aggressions, anger, hate; debates are pretty common in our parliament as well, but most of us diss that away in the name of staged acts and illiterate politicians and seek some truth from 9 PM to 10 PM via our media.

Now coming back to the person again,

Many people question his tactics too, but then the winning point is that he draws attention so what he says after that is delivered to a large number of people, whether it is correct or not is still open for speculation but this man works as good as Kylie Jenner in getting attention. He has shed light on several scams and giving credit where it is due, that is no small feat.

He did show courage and went ahead and discovered the truth from many scams, but at the end, it is always up to the viewer to decide. In a country like India, where half the population is illiterate, it becomes difficult to let the audience decide everything completed, but as of now, that is the only way which has been decided.

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He despite being a journalist is always quick to take one side, biased or unbiased, facts or fact less, sensible or insensible, that he leaves for the audience to decide.

After so many hints, now can you guess whom did we just talked about?


TAGS: kunal kamra, friendship
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