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Remember The World Record Egg? Its Finally Cracked Due To Social Media Pressure

Date: 2019-02-05 19:05:08

By TabloidXO Writers

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Eugene cracked!

We all remember the history which was created on Instagram a month ago, the egg (Eugene) broke Kylie Jenner record as the most liked picture on Instagram. The egg is named Eugene and its Instagram handle is world_record_egg. Eugene was introduced to the world on January 4th, 2019 by Chris Godfrey, C.J. Brown and Alissa Khan-Whelan.

Currently, with more than 52 million likes in a month. Yesterday in a Superbowl Sunday, the creators released a video of Eugene who has been cracked and the reason for the crack will make you think twice about how creative and helpful the thought was.

After getting famous, Eugene couldn't handle the pressure social media build, hence got cracked, but Eugene has left a message for all of us to feel better when tensed:

"Phew! I feel so much better now. If you're feeling the pressure, visit talkingegg.info to find out more. Let's build this list together".

With the video, creators have suggested the viewers to "talk to someone" if ever you find yourself struggling with anxiety, stress or any other mental health issue.

While watching the video, Eugene has left us all a link for the website where it has listed out many NGOs around the world and under India, it will lead you to the website of Aasra and It's Okay To Talk. These are non-profit organization's which works as a helping hand to people who are struggling with mental health issues.

Initially, the Egg had lured everyone to like the photo as a competition to break the most liked photo on Instagram but it's the time to openly discuss the pressure which people have built on us or whether it's our own overthinking issues. Now is the time to start discussing the pressures and get rid of it once in for all from our lives.

Thanks, Eugene for helping us out.

TAGS: world record egg, world record egg cracked, kylie jenner instagram egg likes, mental health world record egg, Chris Godfrey egg
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