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How To Start A Conversation With A Girl?

Date: 2019-07-29 17:11:17

By Mansha

Met a girl at a bar or restaurant but couldn't kick start the conversation? We get you that words just don't come out of the mouth as the conversation just stops in between because of lack of topics.

Many times, girls get bored during the conversation, either because of too much "me" talks or boring topics. So, it is essential for every guy to balance the conversation to keep her interested.

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Let us help you with, how to keep the conversation going on with interesting topics without losing her interest or her.

Here's how you can start a conversation with a girl to win her:

Start by complimenting her:

Make sure, she looks at you when you admire her through your eyes and then by making eye contact, compliment her. Tell her she looks beautiful in whatever she is wearing and it's suiting her.


Drinks preferences:

Ask about her preferences regarding cocktails or hard drinks. Discuss different varieties and what she likes: bitter, sweet or mix.


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Ask about friends:

Ask her if her friends are accompanying her and if yes, ask about them and make her comfortable with you.


Talk about trips:

When talking about friends, to be in continuation, ask, what all places she has visited with her friends: Internationally or nationally.


If she is into adventure spots:

Talk about her interest in adventure sports and if yes, ask what all are still in her bucket list and if not, tell her your experiences by looking excited about the same.



Girls have very unique hobbies, so, ask her about it and when she speaks about it, look interested in hearing every word. Speak in between, when required.



Girls have career dreams too:

Ask her about what she is doing at the present time and what her plans for the future. If she says something about a job or business, encourage her with your kind words.


The entry of the family members:

When a career topic would be coming to the end, ask her if her family supports her and how they support her. In this way, you will get to know more about her and her family.


Dig more into her family:

Girls are damn close to their family members, so, show your interest in her family by asking more about them like brothers, sisters or parents. End it with a caring sentence, maybe something like, "they seem good people".


Shopping fever:

The whole world knows shopping is every girl's favorite time-pass and hobby. Talk about brands, current fashion and her taste of clothes and more, she would love this topic which would go on for an endless time.


Make her laugh:

Guys are known for their lame jokes so, make her laugh because "HASSI TOH PHASSI". Girls love it when guys make them laugh as it gives them the idea of wanted and special.



In the end, indirectly ask her if she has a boyfriend:

Maybe like, "your boyfriend must be all drooling over on you as you are a beauty with brains" or "how come your boyfriend has left you all alone here". If she says no, then you are already halfway towards her heart because of the great conversation and if yes, then at least you got the chance to speak to a beautiful lady out there. In both ways, you won.


We hope, it helped you in a better way because we have done our best to give you the best knowledge possible.

All the best for winning someone's heart out there.

TAGS: how to start a conversation with a girl, how to start a conversation,
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