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This Die-hard Indian Cricket Fan Driving Around The City With A Scoreboard On The Top Of His Car.

Date: 2019-12-24 19:04:47

By TabloidXO

Cricket fans in India have the curiosity to know every single second information, if the Indian cricket team is playing against any other team.

indian cricket fan scoreboard car

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While in traffic it becomes difficult to search for the scoreboard on our mobiles because we follow rules man! The nervousness to know the scorecard juggles in our brain and this anxiety results in nail-biting events with our fingers.

indian cricket fan scoreboard car

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Although as we say, "Not all heroes wear a cape." The internet most humbled person for the cricket fans atleast. This person has mounted a scorecard on the top of his car so that the people who are on the road and are stuck in traffic to get to see the live scoreboard.

Not all heroes wear a cape. from r/Cricket


The verification about the name and the place of the person is still unknown, but the netizens around the country are appreciating the creativeness, efforts and the humbleness towards the fellow Indians.

indian cricket fan scoreboard car
indian cricket fan scoreboard car

Hey unknown person, you are doing a lot for the citizens in this traffic.


TAGS: cricket scoreboard, indian cricket fan, scoreboard on car
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