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9 Reasons Why You Should Date An Actor.

Date: 2019-06-24 19:02:54

By Priyanshi

Who says no to entertainment? Dating an actor is all together a different and exciting journey. Ever thought about how your life would be? Well, here are 9 things you will experience if you date an actor/cinema artist and also why you should totally consider it.

We can see the excitement in you to know more about this combination.

1. You get to experience the set life.

It's so amazing to experience what goes on while a shoot is happening or seeing how actors perform live and how so many people work behind that. You learn so much and you get to be with them always.


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2. You'll automatically get famous.

Fame will come to you as soon as you are seen somewhere with them because they have worked with people of the industry and it's just an added benefit. Everybody likes attention.


3. You'll meet new people.

Because most of the work is on the field and outside, you can be with them and get to meet new, amazing people every day. Imagine having your beau around and living your life while you explore people and places.


4. So much to talk, so many stories to tell.

If he/she is a cinema artist, he/she will always have a story to tell. Storytellers at best, you'll never run out of topics.


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5. Every day will be something like it's out of a movie.

Your days will expand and contract with him and sometimes you will feel like you're the heroine and he the hero and it'll feel right out of a movie.


6. Actors are artists and artists are always a right swipe!

They are charming, people know them, they have a reputation, they live a good life, they are artistic souls whose depths are unknown and yet to unravel.


7. They are good communicators.

Actors or cinema artists have really good communication skills, I mean they do that for a living, you know!



8. You'll get to visit new places.

How fun is it to explore different places and go on a location hunt with your partner.


9. They are spontaneous people.

Spontaneity is as cool as a surprise in disguise. It runs in their blood and you'll never know what's coming next for you. Every day might be a mysterious day to unravel.


Don't miss a chance, it's fun having all that attention and exciting 'perfect' lifestyle to show off on social media. Stop fantasizing, now.


TAGS: reasons why you should date an actor, date an actor, benfits of dating an cinema artist
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