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14 Things You Should Know About Your Best Friend, Luckily My Friends Know About Me.

Date: 2019-08-27 12:08:21

By Priyanshi

There are 100 but well, let's get down to a few things your best friend knows about you and how well he or she knows you. It's always interesting to jot down such points in your favor for a fight in case. So here are 14 such things my best friend knows about me and yours might too.

1. It's not funny to prank me with things that I get scared of.

It's not fear, it's a phobia and if you think it is funny to play around with dogs in order to try to get rid of it, it's NOT cool. The Number 1 rule is to keep the dogs away.


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2. I'm very forgetful and forgiving and it doesn't end up good most of the times.

My best friend tells me how it's not always good to be forgiven and forget. She is right, she knows me better that way. But some things never change and that's what she tells me too.


3. Emotionally unstable, but stronger than ever.

Mind controls me and I'm very chaotic from the inside. My best friend knows how to handle that chaos and that is enough for me to accept myself. She just knows that I'll be a stronger person in situations that are difficult to digest.


4. Always full of ideas.

I have a creative side of me that generates ideas and if there's anything that needs pitching for, she knows I'm the one to contact and I'll be of at least some help. Creativity flows in my blood.


5. My anger is out of the world.

This is one thing she will warn everyone about. My anger can break the best of relations and can cool down within seconds. I live in extremes and she has seen that, experienced that. So trust her when she tells you some things to care about when with me.


6. I can never stick to doing one thing.

I get bored very easily. I need something new and interesting to drive me daily. I am very chaotic and unstable that way, but whatever I do, I put in my 100% and she knows that well enough to never doubt.


7. I'm extremely straight forward.

When it comes to life and life approaches, you'll never meet a more practical and straight forward person than me. Sometimes it can get to your head, but mostly it's good.


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8. I put my relations above everything.

I care to mould my relations and value them over anything in my life. She knows that calling every day is not me, but I have my own ways to show my love and concern for a person and all it takes is understanding from the other side.


9. Respect is the one value I vouch for.

Respect, no matter wherever, is a value I value the most. Respect above love is what I believe drives you in love more and one should always understand that. She has told me this several times.


10. My mind is in a million places in a single moment.

Zoning out is expected of me in almost every situation. My best friends have accepted this because they know they have to repeat what they just said because I missed it.


11. I'm a passionate lover.

If I love somebody, I love them with full devotion and will give everything from respect to space. I cater to my relations well and I'm a passionate lover!


12. I need a push every time.

If you know me, you know that I need constant motivation to drive me to do certain stuff.


13. I can't stand garlic.

No, if there's garlic in it, I will puke. She knows my tastes right and left and it's just helpful.


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14. That I have her back no matter what.

My best friend knows that no matter what, I'll fight the world for her and will always be in support of her, understand her in situations that everybody won't. She is my bestie because there's nobody like her after all.


My best friend knows a lot about me and that's kind of dangerous, but she is the one saving me from all kinds of danger so don't mind the added drama. The question is, how much does your best friend knows about you? Go ask them and you'll find interesting replies to add to all these points above.


TAGS: things you should know about your best friend, how well do you know your friend
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