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11 Signs You Are With A Guy With Whom You Might Get Married

Date: 2018-11-17 13:24:27

By Manveen

To love and to be loved, oh what great joys of the world. Being a member of the generation split between Shaadi.com and Tinder, love and marriage are just a tap of button away but as you read this line you realized that a certain somebody was away from you too, the thought of this certain somebody being away was not a pleasant one and you first cringed and now are nodding.

Want to know what else do we have to say?
This is about the guy you should never let go away.

1.) Introduced him to your parents.

Having desi parents and being able to introduce your boyfriend to them requires a ton of mental preparation but if you got through this then maybe subconsciously you always knew he was the one.


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2.) Common core values.

Opposites attract and you and your mister might not have the same hobbies or music tastes but the foundation of any relationship requires some solid core values and if you two maintained these mutually then well, we accepted Patanjali maggi so you can adjust to his new music collection too.


3.) Same friend circle.

To get a new boyfriend is not that difficult but to get a new group of friends sure is and if you two share one common friend circle then it would not be easy to walk away from him and if the friend circle is same then you two had a great understanding of each other's individual self before and can easily adapt with each other's lifestyles. Remember how great Monica and Chandler were together?


4.) Makes an effort.

Your mister might hate shopping or does not even understands the C of cooking yet has put efforts to do something special for you. The point is, he went out of his comfort zone to do something for you.


5.) Kept an open mind.

He might have begged to differ from your point of view but never criticized your opinions with scrutiny. He again made an effort to understand things from your point of view.


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6.) Never used your own words to hurt you.

Maybe he is aware of things you have done in the past but is not proud of to acknowledge and he chooses to do the same for you. No matter how bad your fights got but he never used that one thing to get back to you, he never crossed that line.


7.) Respects your personal space.

To be with somebody 24/7 can be exhausting and if you two acknowledge that before being together, you were two separate individuals and that still remains and can agree to maintain distance and yet so close, then a friend he is the one. Remember Carrie and Big's arrangement? All couples have their own reasonings.


8.) You are his priority.

See he can get busy and might not respond back to your call immediately but was there whenever you needed him and you understood the difference between him making you a priority and him being at your beck and call 24/7.


9.) Honesty is the best policy.

To say the most Mark Manson-est of things, honesty plays a huge role in your relationship. Some days you look bomb some days that black dress does not suit you and he should be able to tell you and you believe that fact that he did not try being sexist about it but maybe that dress or that cut does not suit you. This kinda honesty either makes or breaks a relationship so if you can live with it and he can feel comfortable saying this, then ma'am is all yours.



10.) Comfort.

One cannot find comfort with anybody. Not I can walk in naked in front of you kind but comfort as in if I am busy and I don't want to talk and choose to ignore you for that time and you do the same and that still changes nothing between the two, that kind of comfort. Being comfortable with the fact that you two love each other but need not say it/show it all the time and just know it for real.


11.) Acknowledgment.

Sounds like a college assignment to have this subheading come in the end but if aforementioned points can be acknowledged by you and you never hesitated to introduce him to your family and friends or what they would think about him is because you considered him perfect and some unconscious levels acknowledged him to be your one.



TAGS: signs you might get married to him, relationship, married to your love

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