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10 Types Of Girls On Their Birthday.

Date: 2020-05-10 14:36:34

By Manveen

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Not to sound sexist, but the concept of birthdays revolves much stronger around girls than it does around guys. Why is that? Well, guys associate with limited activities only and what can you actually do for them? But for girls, there is clothes, candles, flowers, entire Ferns and Petals, Archies, Hallmark, etc. But not all girls are hearts and flowers, some are loud music and confetti and there are those also who are oblivious to the entire concept of celebration.

Here are 10 Types of Girls on Their Birthdays:

1.) Introvert birthday girl.

The one who would silently celebrate her birthday, a small family get together and a couple of close friends. A warm dinner and cute little speeches for her after dessert.

types of girls on birthday

2.) Extrovert birthday girl.

If this kind is in a school, then the entire school knows it is her birthday. If this one is in the office, then the entire office has to be excited about it as well. You would probably never forget her birthday because she would make you post the countdown on Instagram a week before.

types of girls on birthday

3.) Ambivert birthday girl.

This kind of birthday girls does not have enough cares to spare, if there is a party, cool, if there is none, she is fine even then. She has had grand celebrations for her birthdays, but with age prefers to have much quieter and warmer celebrations.

types of girls on birthday

4.) "I am too old for it" birthday girl.

If this sentence could translate into a person then it would suggest a person who secretly wants a lot of noise and everything but does not have enough friends (or friends who care)

types of girls on birthday

5.) "I will repost every story/ every post" birthday girl.

Because the world should know this is, how popular I are that there are twenty-nine people wishing me birthday, OMG, what do you do with all that fame, Katrina Kaif?

types of girls on birthday

6.) "I have to go to the office" birthday girl.

If this sentence could translate into a personality, it would be of a person with the worst boss ever. You asked your boss to grant you leave because it's your birthday and your boss will act as-it you asked him to take out his heart?

types of girls on birthday

7.) "I don't like celebrating my birthdays because I am broke" birthday girl.

Um, basically the salary has not come yet and I do not care enough to spend a dime on anybody. Do not ask me for a birthday treat, I am broke.

types of girls on birthday

8.) "What are you wearing for my birthday? You need to look damn sexy even for your own birthday."

Frankly, this kind of girls would even question you on your own birthday as well. This one is a Monica of a sort who wants a photogenic celebration. She is difficult to put up with but you can thank her later for nice photographs.

types of girls on birthday

9.) Quinceanera type birthday girl.

It is cute for your 16th Birthday but after that, you are just dumb to wear a pink gown on your birthday. So girls don't be Pinky in the world of other colours.

types of girls on birthday

10.) "Whose birthday?" birthday girl.

This is the coolest kind, does not care about your birthday, does not care if you wish her on her birthday. No cakes, no stories, simple living. Dude, she is awesome!

types of girls on birthday


TAGS: Types of Girls on Their Birthdays, birthday girl
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