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10 Hilarious Things You Must Have Done With Your Girl Gang.

Date: 2020-10-19 11:19:55

By Manveen

Do you know which two words sound fun and crazy when put together? "Girl and Gang: Girl Gang". We dare you to find something more happening, bet you cannot. While some girls like to have a book reading session together, others prefer a spa. Some like it simple and some like it crazy with "drunk" as an extra topping.

Here are 10 Hilarious Things You Must Have Done with Your Girl Gang/Group:

1.) Cook.

While some of us are born with the cooking gene, the others can barely locate the "K" in the kitchen but cooking with a group is an enthusiastic activity. Moreover, cooking with your best girls is even more enthusiastic.

girl group

2.) Get drunk and make spontaneous plans.

You have to do this if you have not. The kind of spontaneity being drunk offers and the kind of confidence your girl gang offers is unmatched. Have you seen What Happened in Vegas? Cameron Diaz sure had fun in Vegas. What were the contributing factors? Liquor and a girlfriend.

girl group

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3.) Travel to a strange place.

Not strange as in strange-shady-creepy, bu,t something you are not familiar with. Something that is less traveled by. Have you heard of a Hippie island in Hampi, Karnataka? Or Badami Caves? Well, something like that.

girl group

4.) Bought something and regretted it later.

Girl's together retort to shopping and the kind of unconditional support we lend on, you cannot imagine. However, we get carried away at the moment and do buy weird stuff like some crafty earrings or hideous footwear. But that's okay!

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5.) Took multiple photos.

Remember those days when phone cameras was not a thing and we would carry a digital camera for every outing to take photos, then create an album on Facebook and upload photos? Yes, that only!

girl group


6.) Traveled in public transport and made it too talkative for everyone.

There is always a group of college going girls in every metro that are so happy about bunking classes, bitching about professors, their newly bought anklet from Janpath, or the most random thing and everybody in the metro can hear them. As an individual this feels embarrassing, but in a group, who cares?

girl group

7.) Colour co-ordinated.

Making a plan for an outing and wearing the same colour clothes, amen to that!

girl group

8.) Hogged like a dog.

You always end up eating way more than you generally do in a group of friends than your regular diet.

girl group

9.) Questioned your senses.

If your friends are not insane around and make you question your sanity for being friends with them, are they even your friends?

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10.) Had an epic day.

Well, every day with your girl gang becomes an epic day. You could just be sitting in pajamas and binge-watching, but it becomes epic because of the company.

girl group


TAGS: girl friend
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