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Feelings Pregnant Women Will Relate To. Happy Motherhood!

Date: 2019-09-30 17:45:26

By Mansha

From the day, when the mother gets to know that she is expecting her child till she holds the child in her arms, every woman goes through this exceptional feeling that can't be described in words. Having a child is like having the most valuable treasure for her entire life.

pregnant women

When a woman gets pregnant, her skin glows with the happiness that she was unknown for her entire life, she feels lively as never before and every day, she counts the days to hold that baby who is growing inside of her. Today, I have come with the feeling that every pregnant women goes through during her pregnancy because motherhood is the best gift for every women.

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1. Overwhelmed:

There is a smile on a face and tears of joy in the eyes. It's the most delighted moment because the baby who is living in the mothers womb will soon be spreading love and happiness physically.

pregnant women

2. Loving as never before:

Once a woman gets to know about her pregnancy, she notices the loving and calm nature which she had never witnessed in her behavior before. Even though that baby has a shape of the little ball inside of her, but her love towards that child is indescribable. She starts loving that child from day one and never stops loving that child until death comes to take her away.

pregnant women

3. Nervous about being a good mother:

Being a mother is easy, but being a good mother takes a lot of hard work and courage. Every woman goes through the nervous breakdown where she doubts on her motherly traits, but soon, that nervousness vanishes. She promises herself to do anything to keep that child happy and healthy.

pregnant women

4. Morning sickness feels bad, but still, it gives relief to the heart:

Every pregnant woman goes through the morning sickness, which leaves her feeling nauseous, but it doesn't matter to her because she knows, if she is feeling sick that means baby is doing fine.

pregnant women

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5. Pain doesn't scare much:

Because she is excited to hold her baby in the arms, she forgets her pain. Pain is temporary, but after-effect is mesmerizing.

pregnant women

6. Protective:

Even though that baby is not born yet, but still she feels protective about the baby. She plans about her baby's arrival so that her baby doesn't have to go through any difficulty while entering into this beautiful world. She does everything in the pregnancy to make sure that her child is healthy and secured within her.

pregnant women

7. Excited about hearing the heartbeat:

Thanks to the new technologies that a mother can listen to her baby's heartbeat. Every month mother waits for that particular day when she has to go to the doctor to listen to her baby's heartbeat.

pregnant women


8. Watching ultrasound pictures non-stop:

Because that helps her to maintain the patience until she gets to hold her baby in her arms. Even though she can't look at the proper picture of her baby, but that baby ultrasound images make her feel calm.

pregnant women

9. Talking with her baby:

She puts her hand on her stomach and talks to her baby so that; her baby should not feel alone. Yes, only a mother can do that.

pregnant women

10. His or her kicks give the sweet pain:

The moment baby starts kicking her from the inside, she feels the sweet pain and she wishes to feel that pain again and again. That feeling can't be described in words because only a mother can feel the kick which is as sweet as sugar.

pregnant women

Being a mother is the most beautiful magic in the world.


TAGS: pregnant women, women during pregnancy
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