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Ofcourse 2020 Is Worse, But Here Are 10 Good Things That Happened During Lockdown.

Date: 2020-05-18 16:49:23

By TabloidXO

Every cloud has its silver lining. It is very difficult to find any lining at all in these dark clouds that are surrounding everybody. Nobody is safe. Life feels like an Avengers movie, except we do not have any Avengers in real life. America, you fake! Robert Downey Jr, why are you not saving mankind?

Shakitman? Hanuman? Anybody?

It seems as nobody cares about us. Not that our deeds have been so great that we deserve any saving from the divine forces, but mankind has to exist and learn from their mistakes. We are humans, we have flaws, but we learn from them and improvise.

Here Are 10 Good Things That Happened During Lockdown In India:

1.) India's air quality is getting better. We would have died of lung cancer before Covid-19 but COVID has taken that pressure from air pollution to murder us all from now. Maybe Air pollution and COVID are friends, who knows?

2.) Everybody is talking about the family time, which clearly means everybody was missing it, just that their lives were so busy so they could not spend time together.

positive things in lockdown

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3.) Given the number of food blogging on Instagram, clearly, people who had no interest in cooking are learning how to cook as well.

4.) Now that men are home, maybe they will finally realize that home is as big a responsibility as an office is. Except for offices pay, home does not even do that. It takes so much time and effort to cook, clean, serve, and prepare. Now you know women are not vain.

positive things in lockdown

5.) For all it is worth, at least the riots stopped. It is sick if you consider that it took a pandemic to stop people from murdering each other, but at least it has stopped for now. Remember, children, we only truly have one enemy. The humans' sole enemy is anti-human forces, we have to be one, fight like one and act the same to save the human race.

6.) People have found new hobbies and they have also enrolled themselves in online classes. People are being creative and creativity is the mother of innovation.

positive things in lockdown

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7.) All of us have to come to our senses now regarding environmental conditions. Many of us were too busy to pay attention to Greta Thunberg making headlines or rainforests being destroyed, but now that all of us are directly getting affected we are considering our own actions. We are realizing what we have done and how we should have done things differently.

8.) We are all fearing nature. We are sorry for our atrocities against animals. Perhaps we will do something strongly about animals as well.

positive things in lockdown

9.) Another important realization that we have had is that art and content can help us survive the pandemic. Sure, doctors and medical staff are god right now, but for those of you all at home, now you know why humanistic studies and arts are not vain and pointless.


10.) During a pandemic, religion does not matter. The virus does not discriminate. Rich die as does poor. Nobody is safe from bigger forces at work, our society and divisions are the most moot thing we have ever created as humans.

positive things in lockdown


TAGS: good things during lockdown, nature healing, lockdown
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