No, I do not have a Royal Enfield bike but the love for this Royal Enfield bullet is inseparable. I drove it one day and that day this beast took my heart. The powerful roar when that machine made was really close to every proud Royal Enfield lover.
I can understand the pride of riding Royal Enfield:
1. First thing first, you wake up in the morning, you walk out of your room just to see the glimpse of your lucky charm, baby Bullet.
2. It is not just "A" bike; it is your second better half (after your wife).
3. You make sure to take your Royal Enfield out for a drive, at least a trip in India every year is a must-must rule.
4. You have named your Royal Enfield with some name, the most popular one are: Sher Ki Sawaari, Boooollt, Raja Gaadi, RE, Toofan. (Do tell us your RE name in the comment section below)
5. You are the member of at least one of Royal Enfield group.
6. Your first thought when you finally took the delivery of your Royal Enfield was, 'Soon you will be taking your baby to Ladakh'. Royal Enfielder best-loved place
7. When you see another Royal Enfield on the roads, your thumb goes up with pride. You even end up talking about each other RE.
8. You cannot see your RE dirty, you clean it every day to make RE look a clean beast.
9. You love all the colors on Royal Enfield.
10. You bought a countless number of T-shirts with the same color just to match yourself with your Royal Enfield.