Date: 2018-05-15 19:20:28
After his son board exam was declared, Surendra Kumar Vyas, a resident of Shivaji ward, Bhopal threw a party for his son.
Well, the party was not thrown because he got a good result, instead, the party was thrown because his son got failed in his board exam.
Every parent knows how it feels for a child if he does not get a good score. In order to push him up and motivate him, he thought of throwing an impromptu party for his loving son.
At the Impromptu party, his father invited the family members, friends and neighbours - all were gathered in large numbers. The party was lit, everything from firecrackers, sweets to a shamiyana.
This is how I want to motivate my son. After failing in exams, children go into depression and some of them even take the extreme step of ending their lives. I want to tell such children that boards are not the last exams. There is much more to come in life".
"My son can reappear in the exam again next year."
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