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The Unbelievable Twisted Story Of Triplets Separated At Birth Is Making Everyone Scratch Their Head

Date: 2018-07-04 17:20:38

By Vasundhara


We've all grown up hearing legends, fairy tales and the usual cooked up stories our mother's entertained us with but every once in a while we stumble upon a remarkably absurd story which makes us question our faith in humanity. It challenges our stern beliefs and breaks the barriers of understanding. We often get caught up in the chaos of everyday life that we forget such things are even possible in the real world. These stories are one in a million and it's a pity most of them are lost under the dust of disbelief. This is one such story.



When Bobby Shafran, a 19 year old student walked into his first day of college he did not anticipate random boys slapping him on his back as if they knew him or girls coming up to him and kissing him. He was clearly baffled by the events that were taking place but another student, Michael Domnitz did not take long to solve this mystery. Domnitz was best friends with another student named Eddy Galland who had recently transferred to another college. Domnitz quickly realized the physical similarities between Bobby and Eddy.


It was like looking at your reflection in the mirror, Eddy and Bobby easily realized they were long lost twins and soon after that, their remarkable story was published on the front page of the newspaper. One day, they received a call from another student David Kellman who claimed he was the third triplet of Bobby and Eddy and when they all met, they realized they had finally been reunited.

"They soon became celebrities in their country."

Their similarities extended beyond their looks, their laughs sounded the same, they had the same IQ, they all loved Italian food even though they were brought up in Jewish families, they smoked the same brand of cigarettes and were attracted to older women.



What the triplets didn't know was they had all been adopted from the same agency named Louise Wise services and they had been a part of a science experiment which was expanding research on the 'nature v. nurture' question. Their parents hadn't been informed of the experiment and at the same time were unaware of their child having two other brothers. David Kellman's mother says they were told her son was part of a child development study and a psychologist would visit their house till he turned 12 or 13 years old.

"They were inseparable at first but things went downhill soon after that."


When the triplets were reunited at the age of 19, they were inseparable as they moved in together, went to the same college and got the same degree in international marketing. By their mid-twenties, they opened a steakhouse in New York called, Triplets which was a success but eventually work pressures led to arguments and Bobby Shafran quit the business and became a lawyer.

In 1995, Eddy Galland committed suicide at his home in New Jersey leaving behind his wife and a young child. The brothers were torn apart, forever.

Currently, the movie has been released and it is available in choose theatres of the United States. Till then, we have to wait for the movie which is as straight as a coil of batter. Here's the trailer for this hard to swallow story.


The scientific experiment extended to many other sets of twins and triplets and those mysteries are yet to be uncovered. This story proves "Life is stranger than fiction."

TAGS: triplet brothers story, three identical strangers

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