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Nykaa's CXO, Toxic Culture And Hypocrisy In The Name Of Beauty Campaigns?

Date: 2020-07-21 23:41:41

By Manveen

Diet Sabya is a page on Instagram that calls out fashion designers and celebrities who copy clothing and design, brands that treat their employees like shit and fashion magazines that are at the top of the list of worst fashion organizations to work with and promote toxic work culture.

A CXO at Nykaa is currently making rounds on the Internet. Under her tenure, rape jokes very casual day jokes, women suffering miscarriages is god's way of taking out the weak, employees are made to even work from the hospital. Do you know what is the saddest part? We all want to believe that women will stand up for women, but this CXO being a woman, does not even approve of visiting gynecologists because why would any woman even need that? Really? It is 2020, are we not expecting all women to stand up for each other? Well, clearly not at Nykaa.

nykaa toxic cxo

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Here is the post to the entire thread-

This brand that projects beauty and grooming and campaigns things like body positivity, acceptance of all, is doing this in its own office?

An ex-employee of Nykaa shared her story. She hails from Nepal and has lived in New York as well. When she joined Nykaa in India, she met with racist jokes and remarks. Certain employees treated her like she did not matter at first because she belonged to Nepal. However, she explained that their behavior changed once they realized she is from New York.

This is a much bigger issue.

In India, we tend to act differently around people who are rich and come from a place of privilege and do not even think a second about our behavior from people who belong to smaller towns and villages. First of all, how do you decide on the basis of a geographical area to treat somebody? Is Nepal supposed to be poor? Well, good morning, India is a third world country too. By that maxim, we would not mean much for Americans and Europeans either. Would you be okay being treated like that? We have to learn to act against the act, does not matter where it is happening and who is doing it.

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They make their interns model for their social media and website. The first question, do you even pay them? They even take people down on the basis of skin, colour, acne, and such.

Really? How old are you?

Maybe mean girls never truly grow up and remain a pathetic miserable person all their life. Take a minute and please feel free to be ashamed of your office culture Nykaa.

nykaa toxic cxo
Source: iheartradio

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Several employees and interns who once worked at Nykaa have explained the work culture. If you come from a place of privilege, they will be nice to you because you fit their self claimed elite circle. If not, your existence means nothing to them. Mind you, these are full grown-up adults making body shaming jokes and jokes on mental health, they are making adulating look bad. Frankly, Nykaa is a big disappointment.


TAGS: nykaa cxo, nykaa toxic, nykaa office
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