Date: 2019-09-26 12:56:21
Money plays a great role in our lives. It affects our living standards and as sad as it may sound, it also affects our value in society as well. But then there is the catch, what is money worth when you no longer value yourself? Money plays a role in life, money is not life and clearly it is not the end of the world.
Does money give peace?
Does money give respect?
Does money give you love and affection of your partner?
Does money give you inner happiness? (And don't say yes... we are not talking about the luxuries right now)
Gone are the days when women were deprived of opinions and voice where the best they could do for themselves was finding a man who could provide them everything. Thank god, if not for all but for some girls, those days have gone. Imagine what all women have had to put up in the name of marriage and society.
To guys who think their whole life is sorted because of the fortunes their forefathers have built, yes it indeed is sorted for you as long as you continue living in caves for a society where women are subjected to indifference. But mind you, the force is strong and in no time will reach those women too. Perhaps, you might want to reconsider your sortedness in life then.
You might think you can get away with anything in life because of your dad's money, but there are other people with money in the world too. Maybe they have more sense than you do too. You cannot act in whichever manner you deem fit and expect everybody to put up with you. You are not a king and neither you will ever be because the king knows how to respect women, and how to treat them with courtesy.
Imagine you wear Gucci everyday, stroll around in your Jaguar all the time, hang out with friends at ITC but coming to college/office/social gathering you act like a roadside cheap skate of B grade movies, how does that look?
If for not yourself, but for your Jaguar only, learn to behave yourself. Or for your money for that matter! (As you are a lover of money, atleast let your money live with respect, if not you.)
I wish money could be got you some brain and not the peanut which you have stored in your head. I wish your family upbringing or even if not that, atleast your friend circle would have taught you some good deeds of life, but anyways better late than never,
Hey, the only time a girl would be with a guy for more money is either if she is a gold digger or has some monetary tight circumstances. Both of the cases do not reflect good for you either, so not just for girls, but for yourself and your money, be a good human.
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