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Thinking To Buy A Pet Because Lockdown Is Making You Mad? Please Adopt Instead Of Buying.

Date: 2020-07-20 12:46:45

By Manveen

A lot of people are going through anxiety and several mental conditions due to the present day scenario. Our spirits are weak, due to both personal and professional front. Many have witnessed the tragedies firsthand and the others are still praying to avoid if. 2020 has to be one of the darkest years in human history. It has made everyone question the purpose of their work? Especially the ones who lost it, the businesses who ran out of operation, graduates without any strong future, and everybody else who feels the threat of uncertainty with every passing day. Were we always suffering from difficult mental conditions or did the lockdown give us enough time to address these issues?

pet lockdown

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Everybody is trying to find a way out and we do sincerely hope that we do, all of us come out and find some positivity. Many have resolved to adopt pets. Loneliness can be threatening, sometimes. However, you have to just know this information, that breeding is a business. Many dogs are subjected to forced breeding. The female dog is made to give birth one after the other, to the point where she eventually succumbs to her poor health conditions. Yes, you read that right. It is a mere product and the bitch is practically forced to be in a lab and be raped till the time she gets pregnant. Sometimes, she is not even given enough time to recover from one pregnancy that another is forced upon her.

pet lockdown

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It is a full-fledged business. The animals in captivity are treated as a product. But then that should not be surprising because you pay money to buy a product, right? Instead, adopt a pet. There are so many cats and dogs on our streets. Why not give them a better home and make a difference in their lives? These animals are mostly starving. A little care from you will change everything for them.

pet lockdown

Practically also, buying a foreign breed animal never works out better as they are not used to the Indian environment. Adopt an Indie breed animal. Even for you, it will be convenient as their maintenance cost is much lesser, practically peanuts in comparison to foreign fancy animals. It is obviously your choice at the end. But if you can make a change and stand against the practice of unethical animal breeding, then why not? Do you have any good reason to favor it? If no, then adopt instead of buying.


TAGS: buying pet lockdown
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