Apart from delicious food, playing party games is what excites many of us when we go out at someone's place. Games become the epicenter of attraction as it helps help us relive our old days of childhood. Having new games to play doesn't only take out the competitive side of ourselves, but also makes a party more fun and exciting.
While planning to make your party a grand celebration you look for ways to entertain your guest, and games will play a vital role in it. And you need not worry, you have got out back because we have got you a list of funny games which you and your family friends would love to play. Even, while giving them the invitation, do give them the hint to get prepared because the winner will get a surprise from your side. After this see, how competitive and active your friends will be which will get an extra spice to your fun party.
Here are 15 party games that you can play, be it your kitty party or at someone's birthday:
The game is about sitting on a carpet and moving forward until you reach the end line.
You will need 1 small mat per person and tape to mark the finish line and a large space with nothing in between.
The team should have three people each.
Instructions/How to play:
Before the game starts the contestants should be seated on the mat in the zone where the game has to be played.
Once the game starts, the contestants need to start moving forward in an in-worm manner.
The contestants should not move forwards by touching the floor or the mat directly with any body part.
The first person needs to reach to the opposite side where a line is marked.
Once the first person reaches there, he/she gets up from the mat and the second person sits on the mat moving towards their opposite side where the line is marked. After the second person reaches the mark, he/she gets up and the third person sits and starts moving towards their opposite side towards the finish line.
If any body part of the contestants moves off the mat touching the floor, then they are disqualified.
The one who reaches the finish line first wins the game.
2. This Blows game:
The games is about sliding 20 cups off a table by using the air from a balloon and keep doing it till all the 20 cups fly off until they have fallen off the table.
You will need two tables, 20 cups per team, and one balloon per contestant.
Instructions/How to play:
Place 20 cups on one table each upside down in a line on a table.
Place a balloon at the starting end of the table.
As soon as the one-minute timer starts each contestant has to grab a balloon
and blow it up.
As they keep blowing the balloon up, they need to keep expelling the air out of the balloon onto the cups so that they end up falling off the table.
The contestants need to keep doing this till one-minute is up.
The person who has knocked over most of the cups in one-minute wins the game.
No one can touch the cups with their hands.
The cup needs to be knocked off the table completely otherwise it will be not be considered.
Each contestant has to wrap toilet paper/ paper streamers around their hands while doing a windmill impression.
You will need a lot of toilet paper/paper streamers and a large space for the contestants to stand.
Instructions/How to play:
The contestants need to be standing, holding the end of the toilet paper or paper streamers in each hand while the rest of the paper roll is on the ground. The hands of the contestants should be beside them.
When the game begins the contestants need to rotate their arms in a windmill impression, wrapping the paper around their arms.
If the paper tears the contestant can pick up the paper from the ground and start playing the game again.
Once the 60 seconds are complete, the person who has wrapped more paper around their arms wins the game.
The contestants cannot throw, kick or hold the paper rolls directly.
4. Face the Cookie game:
The game is about moving a cookie from the forehead into the mouth only by making different facial expressions.
You will need a packet of cookies per contestant. A chair for the contestants to sit on.
Instructions/How to play:
The contestants need to be seated in a chair and the packet of cookies needs
to be placed on their side.
As the one-minute timer starts the contestants have to place a cookie on their forehead and roll it down their face and move it into their mouth.
The contestants can only use their facial expressions and face muscle to roll the cookie down from their forehead into their mouth.
Once the timer is finished, whoever has eaten more cookies wins the game.
The contestants cannot use their hands to play the game if they do so then they are disqualified.
If a cookie drops onto the floor, then they have to pick up a new cookie and start over again.
5. Separation Anxiety game:
The game is about piling up candies and then sorting them out in colour wise.
You will need coloured candy and 5-6 empty glasses and tables.
Instructions/How to play:
Set empty glasses in a line on a table.
Keep a pile of mixed colour candies in front of the glasses.
As soon as the timer starts the contestants need to start separating the candy colour wise into the empty glasses.
The contestants will have 60 seconds; the one who has separated the more numbers of candies wins.
The candy has to be separated colour wise, if any other colour candy is in the glass of any other candy then that will not be counted. For eg: if a green colour candy is present in the glass where the red coloured candies are separated, then it won't be counted.
6. Junk in the Trunk game:
The game is about filling a tissue box with ping pong balls and attaching the tissue box with a belt and tying it on your waist and tries and shakes your waist till the ping pong balls come out of the tissue box.
You will need ping pong balls, empty tissue boxes, belt, and tape to attach the tissue box with the belt.
Instructions/How to play:
First, attach the empty tissue box with the belt by cutting slits into the
bottom of the box and weaving through the belt.
After fixing the tissue box fill the box with ping pong balls.
The belt then needs to be put onto the player's waist tightly so that it does not fall.
As soon as the one-minute timer begins the contestants have to move their waist leading the ping pong balls to come out of the box.
The person who takes out more balls within a minute wins the game.
The contestants cannot touch the box while removing the balls, if they do so , they will be disqualified.
7. Puddle Jumper game:
The game is about blowing one ping pong bowl from one cup filled with water to another.
You will need 6 cups full of water, ping pong balls per contestant.
Instructions/How to play:
Fill up all 6 cups with water and place them at a distance in a line of 3 cups each on the table.
Keep one ping pong ball on one of the cups.
As soon as the timer starts the contestant has to start blowing the ball from one cup into another, till the ball reaches the last cup.
The contestant cannot touch the ball; they can only blow the ball to transfer it.
The contestant who blows the ball and transfers it to the last cup wins the game.
8. Don't Blow the Jokers:
The game is about blowing all the cards except the Jokers.
You will need two decks of cards and tables.
Instructions/How to play:
Scatter a deck of cards face down on the table with the Joker cards faces up.
As soon as the timer begins the contestants have to blow off all the cards off the table except the Jokers.
The contestants can only blow the cards off the table and not touch them, if they do then they are disqualified.
If a contestant while playing blows off the Joker card they have to restart the game, all over again.
The person who blows off all the cards except the Joker cards, wins the game.
The game is about placing 2 pencils at the back of your hand, flipping them, and catching them midair before they fall.
You will need 12 pencils and a table to set the pencils.
Instructions/How to play:
Place the pencils in sets of two on the table.
As soon as the timer starts the contestants have to pick up two pencils and place them on the backside of the hand.
After placing them you have to flip the pencils up in the air and catch both the pencils in the air.
Then repeat the same process with 4 pencils and then the same with 6 pencils.
If the pencils fall while flipping, you can pick them up and restart the process.
The one who finishes the game first wins it.
The contestant cannot move to the next two pencils until they have caught the previous 2.
The pencils have to be caught by the same hand that is being used for flipping the pencils.
10. Bouncer game:
The game is about bouncing ping pong balls into empty glasses.
You will need 20 ping pong balls and 20 empty glasses.
Instructions/How to play:
Place 10 cups in a line per contestant on a table in front of them.
Give the contestants 10 ping pong balls each and ask them to stand at a distance from the table.
The contestants have to bounce one ball at a time and put them into the empty glass.
Every ball needs to bounce before it is thrown into the glass.
If a ball enters the glass directly, then it won't be counted.
The person who put more balls into the glass wins the game.
11. Spoon Frog game:
The game is about tossing a spoon into an empty glass via another spoon.
You will need 12 spoons and 6 empty glasses and a table to place them.
Instructions/How to play:
Arrange two spoons in a way that one spoon is in contact of with the player and that spoon will also help you launch the other spoon in a flipping manner into the glass.
After setting up the spoon the game stars, in a single motion, the contestant has to hit one spoon so that the other spoon ends up landing in the empty glass.
If the spoons end up in the glass, then the contestant can move onto the second glass and whoever ends up putting all three spoons in all the three glasses he/she wins.
The spoon has to land in the glass only then can the contestant move on to the next glass if they fail to do so, they will have to keep repeating the process until the spoon ends up in the empty glass.
12. Yank Me game:
The game is about stacking cups one on top of the other with paper slips in between them and then by removing the paper slips one by one and stacking the cups together without letting them fall.
You will need 4 cups per contestant and 4 slips of paper per contestant and a table.
Instructions/How to play:
Place all the cups and paper slip together on one end of the table.
Once the timer starts the contestants have to start placing one cup upside down on the table, then place a slip of paper on the cup and the repeat the same process still a tower of 4 cups is built with paper slips in between them.
Once the tower is ready, the participants have to start removing the paper slips without touching the cups and have to stack all the 4 cups together removing the paper slips.
If a cup falls, then the participant has to start over again till the cups don't end up stacked on each other.
The person who finishes the stacking up maximum of the cups within a minute wins the game.
The contestants cannot touch the cups, if they do so, then they are disqualified.
13. Cool Bartender game:
The game is about throwing straws into empty glasses from a distance.
You will need straws and 20 empty glasses and a table.
Instructions/How to play:
Place 10 empty glasses each in front of the participants.
Make the participants stand at a distance of one arm's length from the table where the glasses are set.
Hand the participant's straws.
As soon as the timer begins the contestants have to start throwing straws into the empty glasses one at a time.
Once there is a straw in one glass than the contestant can move on to the next glass.
The contestants will have one minute to finish the game, whoever ends up landing more straws into the glasses wins.
The contestants cannot cross the line set for them to throw the straws from, if they do so then they are disqualified.
14. Stack Attack game:
The game is about stacking up cups in a triangle shape within one minute and then compiling them into one line stack.
You will need cups and a table.
Instructions/How to play:
The contestants will be standing in front of an empty table with a stack of cups in their hands.
Once the timer begins the contestants have to start stacking up the cups in a triangle shape. For example: First putting eight cups below, then seven above it, and keep doing so till you are left with only one cup to stack at the top.
After making the triangular stack the contestants have to start breaking the triangle and form a single stack of cups by putting them into each other.
The contestants will only have one minute to stack the cups first in a triangle and then into a single stack.
The person who completes the entire process wins the game.
15. Chopstick game:
This game is about stacking chopsticks one onto another using chopstick.
You will need 4 chopsticks per player and a set of chopsticks also per player and a table.
Instructions/How to play:
Place the set of chopsticks and the chopsticks on a table.
As soon as the timer starts, the contestants have to start placing the 4 chopsticks one on top of the other using chopsticks.
The contestants have to balance and place the chopsticks on top of each other.
If the chopsticks fall the contestant has to re-start the game until they finish making a tower.
The tower can only be built using a set of chopsticks. If a contestant uses his/her hands, then they will be disqualified.
The person who builds the chopstick tower first wins.
If you still haven't tried any of these games, then do so and make your evenings and parties even more fun and competitive while playing them and have a party of your lifetime.