Stress bothers us all and often we end up eating too much or too little - that too, the wrong things. This might not only have a bad effect on our stress but can affect our health too in the long run. However, there are some foods which are known to calm you down when you're hyped up and anxious.
When we're stressed, our immune system can help us overcome it. But if it isn't strong enough, then you're going to be left helpless. So not only when you're stressed, but otherwise too, you should keep your diet high with vitamin-c rich foods like kiwi, oranges, berries.
Almonds contain vitamin B2 and E. Both of these are really helpful for relieving stress and since they are really healthy for almost every part of our body, they also help in maintaining the immune system and keeping you healthy.
Cashew nuts have zinc in them and immediately provide you with it when you're stressed. One cause of anxiety or depression can be reduced levels of zinc so this helps in curing that.
Ever since childhood, we've been taught repeatedly that spinach is rich in magnesium (Mg). When you're stressed and anxious, spinach can help you to calm down and increase your positive energy levels. Sleeplessness is also helped out by spinach.
Herbal teas are known to be very positive and calming. Chamomile and lavender teas can help you de-stress and sleep peacefully. They soothe you and make you relaxed.
Extremely rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, salmon helps in decreasing the adrenaline levels to lower down the stress. It helps to make your mood, behavior, and thinking, calm down.
The happy chemical- serotonin is generated by oatmeal which helps you to de-stress. This will make your stress go away by inducing the happier chemicals in your brain, the calmer ones.
Even a bite of dark chocolate can lower down your stress levels, it brings them down by huge proportions, including the chemical cortisol. Dark chocolate has rich amounts of cocoa which make the blood circulate better by calming down the blood vessels.
Milk is the best source out there for vitamin-D and not many of us know this, but this vitamin is a happiness-inducer. Research proves that lower the levels of vitamin-D, higher the chances of anxiety and panic.
These berries help to relax us because of the vitamins and antioxidants present in them that help us to de-stress.
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